"You have to be ready with your hand camera because this action can become very fast. In a matter of 3 or 4 minutes, it could be all over, and I may not be able to talk to you again after this."
- Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr.
While watching a documentary on Ninoy Aquino’s death, the following theories came to my mind about the parallelisms between Aquino’s and John F. Kennedy’s deaths.
Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. was a charismatic Philippine senator who became a staunch opponent of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos during the 1970’s and 1980’s.
John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic President of the United States of America. He was elected in 1960.
These are just theories and ideas based on known evidence, documentaries, published and public reports and records.
1. The Lone Gunman Theory - Both Kennedy’s and Aquino’s were killed by so-called lone gunmen. Lee Harvey Oswald for Kennedy and Rolando Galman for Aquino. Both “fall guys” had Communist inklings and were trained by the Military or had Military experience. Both were killed before they could really tell their stories. Galman died at the same time that Aquino was killed. While Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby days after his arrest. Both men left a wife and child when they died. Unfortunately, for Galman, even his wife was a casualty of his sins. His wife was picked up by unidentified men months after his death and her body was found abandoned in an isolated farmland.
Further forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts point to the fact that both men did not act alone and that they were part of a larger conspiracy that planned and acted on the assassinations.
2. The Magic Bullet Theory (Single-bullet) – Both Aquino and Kennedy had single headshot wounds that proved fatal. The Magic Bullet Theory also comes into place because upon forensic investigation there was no definite conclusion on where the actual shot was made. There were a lot of conflicting results regarding the angle of the entry level of the shots for both men. And these added to the numerous conspiracy theories that came out.
After being shot, Kennedy was rushed to the hospital and an operation was conducted to try to save his life. For Aquino, the soldiers who picked up his body took 1 hour to reach the Military hospital located in Fort Bonifacio which on a normal day would just be a 15-minute drive from the International Airport where he was shot. He was declared dead on arrival.
3. The Communists Did It – Since Oswald was a known Communist defector, it was brought forward that the Kennedy assassination was their brainchild. For Aquino, it was then Philippine Dictator, Ferdinand Marcos who accused the Communist Party of the Philippines in masterminding the killing of his political opponent. Aquino would not have been harmed by the Communists since he was able to cultivate a relationship with him when he was still a journalist in the 1950's.
4. The Warren and Agrava Commissions – These commissions were created because of the public clamor to know the truth about the assassinations. When the Agrava Commission submitted their report, they concluded that Aquino’s murder was a Military Conspiracy and recommended the indictments of 16 soldiers. For the Warren Commission, they concluded that Oswald acted alone in the killing of JFK.
5. The Central Intelligence Agency – And the number one reason why the killings would never be truly solved because both assassinations were planned, funded and implemented by the CIA. For Kennedy, they deemed him as a threat to National Security because of his ties to the Mafia, his dalliances with women who also had Mafia connections and his liberal ideas about segregation and communism. Aquino’s death would be the trigger to oust Ferdinand Marcos from power. At that time, there were U.S. Military bases in the Philippines plus a systemic process of eliminating once U.S. friendly dictators, terrorists, and freedom fighters. Another factor that one would add fuel to the fire is that the Marcoses were given sanctuary in Hawaii after their departure from the Philippines.
Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. was a charismatic Philippine senator who became a staunch opponent of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos during the 1970’s and 1980’s.
John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic President of the United States of America. He was elected in 1960.
These are just theories and ideas based on known evidence, documentaries, published and public reports and records.
1. The Lone Gunman Theory - Both Kennedy’s and Aquino’s were killed by so-called lone gunmen. Lee Harvey Oswald for Kennedy and Rolando Galman for Aquino. Both “fall guys” had Communist inklings and were trained by the Military or had Military experience. Both were killed before they could really tell their stories. Galman died at the same time that Aquino was killed. While Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby days after his arrest. Both men left a wife and child when they died. Unfortunately, for Galman, even his wife was a casualty of his sins. His wife was picked up by unidentified men months after his death and her body was found abandoned in an isolated farmland.
Further forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts point to the fact that both men did not act alone and that they were part of a larger conspiracy that planned and acted on the assassinations.
2. The Magic Bullet Theory (Single-bullet) – Both Aquino and Kennedy had single headshot wounds that proved fatal. The Magic Bullet Theory also comes into place because upon forensic investigation there was no definite conclusion on where the actual shot was made. There were a lot of conflicting results regarding the angle of the entry level of the shots for both men. And these added to the numerous conspiracy theories that came out.
After being shot, Kennedy was rushed to the hospital and an operation was conducted to try to save his life. For Aquino, the soldiers who picked up his body took 1 hour to reach the Military hospital located in Fort Bonifacio which on a normal day would just be a 15-minute drive from the International Airport where he was shot. He was declared dead on arrival.
3. The Communists Did It – Since Oswald was a known Communist defector, it was brought forward that the Kennedy assassination was their brainchild. For Aquino, it was then Philippine Dictator, Ferdinand Marcos who accused the Communist Party of the Philippines in masterminding the killing of his political opponent. Aquino would not have been harmed by the Communists since he was able to cultivate a relationship with him when he was still a journalist in the 1950's.
4. The Warren and Agrava Commissions – These commissions were created because of the public clamor to know the truth about the assassinations. When the Agrava Commission submitted their report, they concluded that Aquino’s murder was a Military Conspiracy and recommended the indictments of 16 soldiers. For the Warren Commission, they concluded that Oswald acted alone in the killing of JFK.
5. The Central Intelligence Agency – And the number one reason why the killings would never be truly solved because both assassinations were planned, funded and implemented by the CIA. For Kennedy, they deemed him as a threat to National Security because of his ties to the Mafia, his dalliances with women who also had Mafia connections and his liberal ideas about segregation and communism. Aquino’s death would be the trigger to oust Ferdinand Marcos from power. At that time, there were U.S. Military bases in the Philippines plus a systemic process of eliminating once U.S. friendly dictators, terrorists, and freedom fighters. Another factor that one would add fuel to the fire is that the Marcoses were given sanctuary in Hawaii after their departure from the Philippines.
The videos that you are about to see, show the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Ninoy Aquino.

-John F. Kennedy
Ako si Ninoy, GMA News TV

Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr: Revisiting the Assassination Case, Biography Documentary Films
The Assassination of Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr, History Channel
Ninoy Aquino & the Rise of People Power (2009)
The Last Journey of Ninoy (2009)
Beyond Conspiracy: 25 Years after the Aquino Assassination, ABS-CBN Channel
JFK: 3 Shots that Changed America, History Channel
JFK - A Presidency Revealed, History Channel
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, ITV and History Channel
The Lost JFK Tapes The Assassination, National Geographic
American Experience: The Kennedys, PBS
The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After
American Experience: JFK, PBS
Smithsonian Channel: The Day Kennedy Died
JFK (1991), Oliver Stone
Interesting post you made here. While there are similarities, there were also fundamental differences. In the case of Kennedy, there were also theorists who said it was related to the Cuban crisis. In the case of Aquino, there were theorists who says he was killed so Marcos can be ousted.
In both cases, what appears to be true is that there is a larger conspiracy involved. In time, perhaps the truth will be known.
killer . Will we ever get to know the truth ?